HTML5标记云插件 JavaScript&jQuery TagCanvas

  • 源码大小:73.14KB
  • 所需积分:1积分
  • 源码编号:19JP-3673
  • 浏览次数:982次
  • 最后更新:2023年07月09日
  • 所属栏目:其他
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TagCanvas是一个jQuery&Vanilla JavaScript插件,用于创建一个基于HTML5画布的标签云,并提供大量自定义选项。


  • 平滑动画。
  • 输入标记时播放声音。
  • 可拖动标记。
  • 与标记交互时暂停移动。
  • 自定义形状。



<!-- Vanilla JS Version -->
<script src="tagcanvas.min.js"></script>

<!-- jQuery Version -->
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.tagcanvas.min.js"></script>


<canvas id="myCanvas">


<div id="tags">
    <li><a href="#">Tag 1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Tag 2</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Tag 3</a></li>
    ... more tags here


// Vanilla JS Version
  // options here

// jQuery Version
  // options here
}, 'tags')


  z1: 20000,
  z2: 20000,
  z0: 0.0002,
  freezeActive: false,
  freezeDecel: false,
  activeCursor: 'pointer',
  pulsateTo: 1,
  pulsateTime: 3,
  reverse: false,
  depth: 0.5,
  maxSpeed: 0.05,
  minSpeed: 0,
  decel: 0.95,
  interval: 20,
  minBrightness: 0.1,
  maxBrightness: 1,
  outlineColour: '#ffff99',
  outlineThickness: 2,
  outlineOffset: 5,
  outlineMethod: 'outline', // 'classic', 'block', 'colour', 'size', 'none'
  outlineRadius: 0,
  textColour: '#ff99ff',
  textHeight: 15,
  textFont: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
  shadow: '#000',
  shadowBlur: 0,
  shadowOffset: [0,0],
  initial: null,
  hideTags: true,
  zoom: 1,
  weight: false,
  weightMode: 'size', // 'colour', 'both', 'bgcolour', 'bgoutline', 'outline'
  weightFrom: null,
  weightSize: 1,
  weightSizeMin: null,
  weightSizeMax: null,
  weightGradient: {0:'#f00', 0.33:'#ff0', 0.66:'#0f0', 1:'#00f'},
  txtOpt: true,
  txtScale: 2,
  frontSelect: false,
  wheelZoom: true,
  zoomMin: 0.3,
  zoomMax: 3,
  zoomStep: 0.05,
  shape: 'sphere', // 'vcylinder', 'hcylinder', 'hring', 'vring', ...
  // Limits rotation of the cloud using the mouse. 
  // A value of "x" limits rotation to the x-axis, "y" limits rotation to the y-axis. 
  // A value of "xy" will prevent the cloud rotating in response to the mouse - the cloud will only move if the initial option is used to give it a starting speed.
  lock: null,
  tooltip: null, // 'native' for operating system tooltips; 'div' for div-based.
  tooltipDelay: 300,
  tooltipClass: 'tctooltip',
  radiusX: 1,
  radiusY: 1,
  radiusZ: 1,
  stretchX: 1,
  stretchY: 1,
  offsetX: 0,
  offsetY: 0,
  shuffleTags: false,
  noSelect: false,
  noMouse: false,
  imageScale: 1,
  paused: false,
  dragControl: false,
  dragThreshold: 4,
  centreFunc: Nop,
  splitWidth: 0,
  animTiming: 'Smooth', // or 'Linear'
  clickToFront: false,
  fadeIn: 0,
  padding: 0,
  bgColour: null,
  bgRadius: 0,
  bgOutline: null,
  bgOutlineThickness: 0,
  outlineIncrease: 4,
  textAlign: 'centre', // 'left', 'right'
  textVAlign: 'middle', // 'top', 'bottom'
  imageMode: null, // 'image', 'text', 'both'
  imagePosition: null, // 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'
  imagePadding: 2,
  imageAlign: 'centre', // 'left', 'right'
  imageVAlign: 'middle', // 'top', 'bottom'
  noTagsMessage: true,
  centreImage: null, // Uses a built-in centreFunc callback function to draw the image at full size in the middle of the canvas.
  pinchZoom: false,
  repeatTags: 0,
  minTags: 0,
  imageRadius: 0,
  scrollPause: false,
  outlineDash: 0,
  outlineDashSpace: 0,
  outlineDashSpeed: 1,
  activeAudio: '', // audio path
  audioVolume: 1,
  audioIcon: 1,
  audioIconSize: 20,
  audioIconThickness: 2,
  audioIconDark: 0,
  altImage: 0, //   Set to true to swap to the second image in the  element when the tag is active. }



// pause the animation

// resume the animation

// reload the tags

// update the tags

// bring a tag to the front of the cloud
TagCanvas.TagToFront(canvasId, {
  id: "tag1",
  index: null, // Array index of tag to move to front
  text: null, // Text content of tag to move to front
  time: 500, // Duration of movement in milliseconds
  callback: null, // Function to call after movement has completed
  active: false, // If true, highlights the tag while it is in motion
$(selector).tagcanvas("tagtofront", {
  // TagToFront options here

// move a tag to another position
  id: "tag1",
  index: null, // Array index of tag to move to front
  text: null, // Text content of tag to move to front
  time: 500, // Duration of movement in milliseconds
  callback: null, // Function to call after movement has completed
  active: false, // If true, highlights the tag while it is in motion
  lat: null, // Latitude of destination
  lng: null, // Longitude of destination
$(selector).tagcanvas("rotatetag", {
  // RotateTag options here

// set the cloud speed and direction
TagCanvas.SetSpeed(canvasId, [0.5, -0.25]);
$(selector).tagcanvas("setspeed", [0.5, -0.25]);

// remove the tag cloud







