浮动目录插件 jQuery FooNav.js

  • 源码大小:128.22KB
  • 所需积分:1积分
  • 源码编号:19JP-3351
  • 浏览次数:452次
  • 最后更新:2023年06月03日
  • 所属栏目:其他
本站默认解压密码:19jp.com 或 19jp_com




  • 抽屉式可切换导航盒。
  • 支持分层导航结构,就像向下搜索菜单一样。
  • 允许您忽略元素。
  • 支持深度链接。
  • 6个位置选项。
  • 14个内置的专业外观主题。
  • 淡入淡出或滑动过渡。
  • 还支持平滑滚动。
  • 向下滚动页面时,显示“滚动到顶部”按钮。
  • 还有更多。。。



<link href="/path/to/dist/foonav.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/dist/foonav.min.js"></script>


// basic
  items: '#myArticle',

// advanced
  items: {
    container: '#myArticle',
    selector: '.h1,.h2,.ch3',
    exclude: '.ignore-class'

3.设置目录抽屉的位置。默认值:“fon top right”(右上角)。

  • 左上角
  • 右上角
  • fon左中
  • fon左下
  • fon右下角
  • fon底部中心
  position: 'fon-bottom-right',

4.更改目录抽屉的主题。默认值:“fon light”。

  • fon灯
  • fon深色
  • 芳蓝
  • fon绿色
  • fon扁平紫水晶
  • 石棉板
  • .fon flat ui沥青
  theme: 'fon-dark',



  /** @type {(string|HTMLElement|Array|jQuery)} - A DOM element, array of elements, HTML string, or jQuery object to insert after the generated menu. */
  after: null,

  /** @type {(string|HTMLElement|Array|jQuery)} - A DOM element, array of elements, HTML string, or jQuery object to insert before the generated menu. */
  before: null,

   * A PlainObject containing any additional buttons to create, these can be either just the href or
   * an object of attributes, events, and methods to call on the newly-created button.
   * The name used must match an icon defined in the icons object.
   * @example <caption>A string</caption>
   * buttons: {
   *  [name]: [string]
   * }
   * @example <caption>An object of attributes, events, and methods.</caption>
   * buttons: {
   *  [name]: [object]
   * }
   * @see {@link http://api.jquery.com/jQuery/#jQuery-html-attributes|jQueryAPI} for more information on the html attributes object.
  buttons: null,

  /** CSS class names to add to the navigation element. */
  classes: null,

  /** Whether or not to enable deeplinking. 
   * If set to true and the selected menu item corresponds to an anchor in the page the hash will be updated. 
  deeplinking: false,

  /** Icon classes */
  icons: {
    back: { family: 'fon-icon', icon: 'fon-icon-back' },
    expand: { family: 'fon-icon', icon: 'fon-icon-expand' },
    home: { family: 'fon-icon', icon: 'fon-icon-home' },
    menu: { family: 'fon-icon', icon: 'fon-icon-menu' },
    top: { family: 'fon-icon', icon: 'fon-icon-top' }

   * Items can be either a PlainObject defining the container, item and exclude selectors, just the container selector or an array of items.
   * @example <caption>Example PlainObject</caption>
   * items: {
   *  container: [string],
   *  exclude: [string],
   *  selector: [string]
   * }
   * @example <caption>Example string</caption>
   * items: [string]
   * @example <caption>Example item array</caption>
   * items: [{
   *  href: [string],
   *  text: [string],
   *  children: [array]
   * }]
  items: 'body',

  /** The class name of the position for the navigation element. */
  position: 'fon-top-right',

  /**  The class name of the theme for the navigation element. */
  theme: 'fon-light',

  /** A string to display above the root menu items. This is replaced by the back button text on child menus. */
  title: null,

  /** Whether or not to display the 'To Top' button. */
  top: true,

  /** A string specifying the type of transition to use on the menu. 
   * Possible values are 'slide' and 'fade'
  transition: 'slide',

  /** The distance the scroll bars must travel before displaying the navigation element. */
  scroll: 0,

  /** The speed the navigation element is shown/hidden and the speed the menus are transitioned between. */
  speed: 200,

  smart: {

    /** Whether or not to enable the smart options. This disables all smart options if set to false. */
    enable: true,

    /** Whether or not to track anchors in the page. 
     * If set to true the menu will automatically find the item corresponding to the current visible anchor. 
    anchors: true,

    /** @Whether or not to close the menu when losing focus. 
     * If set to true when a user clicks anywhere on the page that is not within a navigation element, this instance will close.
    close: true,

    /** Whether or not to auto open the navigation element on page load. 
     * If set to true and the page is scrolled past the scroll option value and a tracked anchor is visible the navigation element will be displayed. 
    open: false,

    /** Whether or not to remember menu position on toggle. 
     * If set to true the menu will remember it's current position while being toggled. If set to false when the menu is displayed or redisplayed it is reset to the root. 
    remember: true,

    /** Whether or not to enable smart scrolling. 
     * If set to true and a user clicks on an anchored item the page will smoothly scroll to the anchor from it's current position. 
    scroll: true,

    /** Whether or not to parse the current url for a hash value. 
     * If a hash is found and it matches an item the menu is set to display that item. 
    url: true,



 // options here
    // options here
