用户友好 交互式指南插件 jQuery PageGuide

  • 源码大小:84.75KB
  • 所需积分:1积分
  • 源码编号:19JP-3349
  • 浏览次数:442次
  • 最后更新:2023年06月03日
  • 所属栏目:其他
本站默认解压密码:19jp.com 或 19jp_com





  • 将步骤编号编号编号添加到每个元素中。
  • 激活时高亮显示元素。
  • 允许在同一页面上有多个页面辅助线。
  • 将页面平滑滚动到激活的元素(步骤)。
  • 在页面底部显示一个辅助滑块,使您可以轻松地在步骤之间切换。


1.首先在文档中加载最新的jQuery PageGuide插件文件。

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/dist/css/pageguide.min.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/dist/js/pageguide.min.js"></script>


  • t页面指南_左
  • t页面指南_右侧
  • t页面指南_顶部
  • t页面指南_底部
<div class="first_element_to_target">
  Element 1
<div id="second_element_to_target">
  Element 2
<div class="third_element_to_target">
  Element 3
<ul id="tlyPageGuide" data-tourtitle="Check out these elements">
  <li class="tlypageguide_left" data-tourtarget=".first_element_to_target">
    Element 1 Description
  <li class="tlypageguide_right" data-tourtarget="#second_element_to_target">
    Element 2 Description
  <li class="tlypageguide_left" data-tourtarget=".third_element_to_target">
    Element 3 Description


<div class="tlyPageGuideWelcome">
  <p>Welcome to my new page! pageguide is here to help you learn more.</p>
  <button class="tlypageguide_start">let's go</button>
  <button class="tlypageguide_ignore">not now</button>
  <button class="tlypageguide_dismiss">got it, thanks</button>


jQuery(document).ready(function() {
  var pageguide = tl.pg.init();



  // Whether or not to focus on the first visible item immediately on PG open
  'auto_show_first': true,

  // The CSS selector for the loading element. 
  // pageguide will wait until this element is no longer visible starting up.
  'loading_selector' : '#loading',

  // Optional callback for tracking user interactions with pageguide.  
  // Should be a function taking a single parameter indicating the name of the interaction.
  'track_events_cb': function() { return; },

  // Optional callback to enlight or adapt interface depending on current documented element. 
  // Should be a function taking 2 parameters, current and previous data-tourtarget selectors.
  'handle_doc_switch': null,

  // Optional id for toggling pageguide.
  // If not specified then the default button is used.
  'custom_open_button': null,

  // Visible caption
  'pg_caption' : 'page guide',

  // Tour title
  'tourtitle': 'Open Page Guide for help',

  // Check whether or not the welcome message has been dismissed. 
  // Must return true or false. 
  // This function should check against whatever state change is made in dismiss_welcome.
  'check_welcome_dismissed': function () {
    var key = 'tlypageguide_welcome_shown_' + tl.pg.hashUrl();
    // first, try to use localStorage
    try {
      if (localStorage.getItem(key)) {
        return true;
    // cookie fallback for older browsers
    } catch(e) {
      if (document.cookie.indexOf(key) > -1) {
        return true;
    return false;

  // Permanently dismiss the welcome message, corresponding to check_welcome_dismissed.
  'dismiss_welcome': function () {
    var key = 'tlypageguide_welcome_shown_' + tl.pg.hashUrl();
    try {
      localStorage.setItem(key, true);
    } catch(e) {
      var exp = new Date();
      exp.setDate(exp.getDate() + 365);
      document.cookie = (key + '=true; expires=' + exp.toUTCString());

  // A function to run once the pageguide ready event fires.
  'ready_callback': null,

  // Specify whether or not to provide a fallback for css pointer-events in browsers that do not support it
  'pointer_fallback': true,

  // The css z-index to apply to the tlypageguide_shadow overlay elements
  'default_zindex': 100,

  // Selector for the ul element whose steps you wish to use in this particular pageguide object
  'steps_element': '#tlyPageGuide',

  // If set to true, pageguide will run a timer to constantly monitor the DOM for changes in the target elements and  adjust the pageguide display (bubbles, overlays, etc) accordingly. 
  // The timer will only run while pageguide is open.
  // Useful for single-page or heavily dynamic apps where pageguide steps or visible DOM elements can change often.
  'auto_refresh': false,

  // Similar to auto_refresh, welcome_refresh enables a timer to monitor the DOM for new .tlyPageGuideWelcome elements. 
  // This is useful if your welcome element isn't loaded immediately, or if you want to show different welcome elements on different pages.
  // The timer will run constantly, whether or not the pageguide is open, so enable at your discretion.
  'refresh_welcome': false,

  // How often to poll the DOM for changes.
  'refresh_interval': 500

