<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/rsCheckboxSwitch.css" /> <script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script> <script src="/path/to/jquery.rsCheckboxSwitch.js"></script>
<!-- Checkbox --> <input class="demo" type="checkbox" /> <!-- Div Button --> <div class="demo"> Press me </div> <!-- Button --> <button class="demo"> Press me </button>
$('.demo').rsCheckboxSwitch({ // ... });
$('.demo').rsCheckboxSwitch({ type: "push", });
$('.demo').rsCheckboxSwitch({ // slidingType is only meaningful if type is 'sliding' slidingType: { // Classes for the outer container. // Add: // - corners-rounded for full rounded corners; // - corners-halfrounded for 50% rounded corners; // - corners-quarterrounded for 25% rounded corners; // - corners-sharp for no rounded corners; // If none of the above three are specified, corners-rounded is used. outerClass: 'checkboxswitch-outer sliding corners-rounded', // Classes for the element that slides inside the outer element. sliderClass: 'switch', // Classes for the handle usually located in the middle of the slider element. handleClass: 'handleflat', // Classes for the handle when mouse is applied to it. Type: string. pushdownClass: 'down', // Classes used during the time user is moving the switch with the mouse. draggingClass: 'switch-dragging', // Classes applied to the topmost element for vertical sliders (when horizontal is false). verticalClass: 'vert', // Classes applied to the topmost element when the slider is flipped flippedClass: 'flipped', // Determines the location of the on and off. // When flipped is false, the switch is ON--OFF (for horizontal switches) or ON on the top and OFF on the bottom (for vertical switches) // When flipped is true, the switch is OFF--ON (for horizontal switches) or OFF on the top and ON on the bottom (for vertical switches) flipped: false, // Determines the switch orientation, either horizontal or vertical. horizontal: true }, // toggleType is only meaningful if type is 'toggle' toggleType: { // Classes for the container. Type: string. // Add: // - corners-rounded for full rounded corners; // - corners-halfrounded for 50% rounded corners; // - corners-quarterrounded for 25% rounded corners; // - corners-sharp for no rounded corners; // If none of the above four are specified, corners-rounded is used. outerClass: 'checkboxswitch-outer toggle corners-rounded', // Determines whether a span child is used to display 0 or 1 (you can change CSS to display something else). showOnOff: true, // Class added to the span created when showOnOff is true. onOffClass: 'onoff', // Specifies the text caption that appears in toggle switches. // If null, then uses the text from the markup. // If the plugin is not bounded to an <input type=checkbox> element, this caption is appended to the existing markup text (if any). // Type: String. caption: null, // Each class represents a frame in the animation that runs from OFF to ON position. // Type: array of String. // The first class is used for the OFF image, the last for the ON image. // Optional frames in the middle can be used to create a more realistic animation. // For ON to OFF animations, the plug-in simply iterates from the last to the first class. frameClasses: ['frm1', 'frm2', 'frm3', 'frm4', 'frm5'] }, // pushType is only meaningful if type is 'push' pushType: { // Classes for the container. // Add: // - corners-rounded for full rounded corners; // - corners-halfrounded for 50% rounded corners; // - corners-quarterrounded for 25% rounded corners; // - corners-sharp for no rounded corners; // If none of the above four are specified, corners-rounded is used. outerClass: 'checkboxswitch-outer toggle push corners-rounded', // Determines whether a span child is used to display 0 or 1 (you can change CSS to display something else). showOnOff: true, // Class added to the span created when showOnOff is true. onOffClass: 'onoff', // Specifies the text caption that appears in toggle switches. // If null, then uses the text from the markup. // If the plugin is not bounded to an <input type=checkbox> element, this caption is appended to the existing markup text (if any). caption: null, // Each class represents a frame in the animation that runs from OFF to ON position. // Type: array of String. // The first class is used for the OFF image, the last for the ON image. Optional frames in the middle can be used to create a more realistic animation. // For ON to OFF animations, the plug-in simply iterates from the last to the first class. frameClasses: ['frm1', 'frm2', 'frm3', 'frm4'] }, keyboard: { // Allowed keys on focusable switches. // Type: String array. // Key events are ignored for non focusable switches. // A switch is focusable when the associated markup is an <input type="checkox"> with no disabled attribute, or any HTML element with a tabindex attribute. allowed: ['enter', 'esc', 'space'], // Determines whether pressing Esc key rollsback to the value the switch had before gaining focus (the committed value). // Type: boolean or string. // Rolling back has no effect when the current value is the same as the committed value. // true - Pressing Esc on a focusable switch rollsback value. Change events are not fired. Note that 'esc' should be present in the allowed property array (see above). // false - Ignores Esc keystrokes. // 'trueWithEvents' - Pressing Esc on a focusable switch rollsback value. // If it rolls back to On, then OnChange and OnChangeOn are fired. // If it rolls back to Off, then OnChange and OnChangeOff are fired. rollbackOnEsc: true, // Determines whether the value toggles on Enter or Space. // true - Pressing Enter or Space changes value. Note that 'enter' or 'space' should be present in the allowed property array (see above). // false - Ignores Enter or Space keystrokes. toggleOnEnter: true, // Determines whether the value is saved when switch loses focus. Type: boolean. // true - The current value is commited when switch loses focus. // false - Value is not commited. commitOnBlur: false }, // Classes set to the outer div when the switch has been changed. changedClass: 'changed', // Classes set to the outer div when the switch is disabled. disabledClass: 'disabled', // Determines whether the control is editable. // If the plugin is associated with a disabled <input type="checkbox" disabled>, then enabled is set to false. enabled: true, // Handle animation in milliseconds. Type: positive integer number. // For Sliding switches, specifies the time it takes to move from one side to the other. // For Toggle or Push switches, specifies the time it takes to change from one position to another. speed: 75, // Event fired when switch changes to either On or Off. // Type: function (event, $elem, value) onChange: null, // Event fired when switch changes to On position. // Type: function (event, $elem) // If the markup is an <input type="checkbox"> then an attribute checked="checked" is added. // If other markup is used, then an attribute data-checked="checked" is added. onChangeOn: null, // Event fired when switch changes to OFF position. // Type: function (event, $elem) // If the markup is an <input type="checkbox"> then the attribute checked="checked" is removed. // If other markup is used, then the attribute data-checked="checked" is removed. onChangeOff: null });
// refresh$e.rsCheckboxSwitch('refresh') $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('refresh', false) $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('refresh', true) // toggle $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('toggle') // set on/off states without animations $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('on') // OnChange and onChangeOn are never fired $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('on', false) OnChange and onChangeOn are always fired $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('on', true) $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('off') $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('off', false) $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('off', true) // set on/off states with animations $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('onAnim') $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('onAnim', false) $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('onAnim', true) $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('offAnim') $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('offAnim', false) $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('offAnim', true) // Rollsback the switch to the original value $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('rollback') // Change events are never fired $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('rollback', false) // Change events are always fired $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('rollback', true) // Notifies the plugin that current value is the "new" original one. $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('commit') // Unbinds all events and completely removes the plugin from the page. $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('destroy')
// Returns the current onChange event function handler var onChangeFunction = $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('option', 'onChange'); // Returns the current onChangeOn event function handler var onChangeOnFunction = $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('option', 'onChangeOn'); // Returns the current onChangeOff event function handler var onChangeOffFunction = $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('option', 'onChangeOff'); // Returns true if switched was changed, false otherwise. // "Changed" means the current value is different from the current commited value. var changed = $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('option', 'changed'); // Returns switch current value. var isOn = $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('option', 'value'); // Retuns true if switch can be changed by the user, false otherwise. var isEnabled = $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('option', 'enabled'); // Sets the onChange event function handler $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('option', 'onChange', function (event, $elem, value) { alert('value changed to ' + value); } ); // Sets the onChangeOn event function handler $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('option', 'onChangeOn', function (event, $elem) { alert('value changed to true'); } ) // Sets the onChangeOff event function handler $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('option', 'onChangeOff', function (event, $elem) { alert('value changed to false'); } ) // Enables or disables the switch control. $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('option', 'enabled', true); $e.rsCheckboxSwitch('option', 'enabled', false);
// recommended #454545 for dark layout and #f2f2f2 for light layout @background: #454545; // recommended 12% for dark layout and 18% for light layout @deltaContrast: 12%; @text: #bab026; // Allowed units are: px, pt (for fixed layout) or em, rem, vw, vh, vmin, vmax (for elastic layout). // To try other sizes, you only need to change this line. All the rest will resize according to this @refScale // 1em corresponds to 16px in most browsers, which is the default font size. // However, some users might define another default font size for accessibility reasons. // To convert px to em, do em = px/16. Example: 8px = .5em @refScale: 5vw; @fromGradientOuter: darken(@background, @deltaContrast); @toGradientOuter: lighten(@background, @deltaContrast); @fromGradientInner: darken(@toGradientOuter, 10%); @toGradientInner: darken(@fromGradientOuter, 2%); @borderColor: darken(@fromGradientOuter, lightness(@background)/10 + 3%); @sliderMaxSize: @refScale*6; @sliderMinSize: @refScale*1.3; @sliderHandleSize: @refScale*2; @textoff: @fromGradientOuter; @texton: desaturate(@text, lightness(@background)/1.8);