<!-- Required Stylesheet For The Data Grid --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/css/huge-grid.min.css" /> <!-- jQuery Library --> <script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script> <!-- Main JavaScript --> <script src="/path/to/js/huge-grid.js"></script>
<div id="grid" style="height: 500px;"> </div>
var myHeader = [ { id: "id", content: "ID", width: 50 }, { id: "name", content: "Name", width: 200 }, // ... ]; var myData = [ { id: "id", content: { id: "id", name: "name" } } // ... ];
$("#grid").hugeGrid({ sortKey: "name", header: generateColumns(), data: generateData() });
$("#grid").hugeGrid({ // unique ID id: null, // border width between headings and data splitterWidth: 2, // number of columns to be fixed fixedColumns: 0, // height of the header headRowHeight: 17, // height of the filter row filterRowHeight: 26, markedColumnBackground: '#DDD', // column id to sort data by sortKey: null, // asc or desc sortDesc: false, // when TRUE the sort row is not rendered. noSort: false, // when TRUE grid automatically reorders rows when they change. autoSort: true, // height of the sort row sortRowHeight: 20, // custom sort markup sortMarkup: '<div class="hg-sort-inner"><div class="hg-sort-desc"></div><div class="hg-sort-asc"></div></div>', noSortMarkup: '', // used only with ajax loading dataType: "json", // data parameters dataParam: null, // enable data filter filter: null, // height of row rowHeight: 16, // number of rows in one block blockSize: 8, // number of root level columns / column groups in one horizontal block hBlockSize: 16, // number of blocks/superblocks in one higher level superblock superblockSize: 16, // number of levels of blocks / superblocks should be used blockLevels: 4, // number of blocks are allowed to get loaded at the same time via ajax. value greater than 3 is not recommended. maxConcurrentLoads: 3, // number of rows that are outside the view area should be preloaded preloadRows: 10, // // the markup added to the block that is not yet loaded via ajax (left part) loadingBlockHeadMarkup: '<div class="hg-block-loading" />', // the markup added to the block that is not yet loaded via ajax (right part) loadingBlockContMarkup: '<div class="hg-block-loading" />', rangeBorderWidth: 1, // 'none' (no selection), // 'single' (only columns on a single row), // 'multiple' (multiple columns and rows). selectionMode: 'none', // what is the left most allowed selected column id selectionMinColumnId: null, // what is the right most allowed selected column id selectionMaxColumnId: null, // custom table footer footer: null, footerHeight: 19, // scolling options hScrollPos: 0, vScrollPos: 0, hScrollHeight: 32, vScrollWidth: 32, hScrollSpeed: 360, vScrollSpeed: 120, hScrollMarkup: '<div class="hg-hscroll-tumb" />', vScrollMarkup: '<div class="hg-vscroll-tumb" />', // touch options touchScrollSensitivity: 5, touchContextMenuTime: 1, dblTapTime: 0.5, });
$("#grid").hugeGrid({ // function(rowData) rowTransformer: null, // function(colId, isDesc) // return true if want to cancel sort switching onSort: function(colId, isDesc) { return this.onDefaultSort(colId, isDesc); }, // function(target) onMarkChange: null, // function(target) Grid will not be reloaded if function returns FALSE. onFilterChange: null, // function(event, delta, deltaX, deltaY) Must return TRUE to allow default grid scrolling. onBeforeWheelScroll: null, // function(target) onMouseDown: null, // function(target) onMouseUp: null, // function(target) onSelectionStart: null, // function(target) onSelectionChange: null, // function(target) onSelectionEnd: null, // function(target) onClick: null, // function(target) onDblClick: null, // function(event, target) Must return FALSE if default grid behaviour should be prevented. onTouchStart: null, // function(event, target) Must return FALSE if default grid behaviour should be prevented. onTouchMove: null, // function(event, target) Must return FALSE if default grid behaviour should be prevented. onTouchEnd: null, // function(event, target) onTap: null, // function(event, target) onDblTap: null, // function(event, target) Must return FALSE to prevent further context menu events. onTouchContextMenuStart: null, // function() onTouchContextMenuCancel: null, // function(event, target) Must return TRUE to prevent further grid scrolling and tap callbacks if context menu was shown or any action taken. onTouchContextMenu: null, // function(target) onOver: null, // function(target) onOut: null, // function(selection) onSelect: null, // function(selection) onDeselect: null, // function(rowIdxFrom, rowIdxTo) onLoad: null, // function(rowIdxFrom, rowIdxTo) onUnload: null, // function(hScrollPos, vScrollPos) onScroll: null, // function(resp) onError: null, // function(firstRowIdx, $leftBlockDomElement, $rightBlockDomElement) onBlockHide: null, // function(filteredRows, unfilteredRows) onRowCountUpdate: null, // function(requestData) onBeforeRequestData: null, // function(response) onRowDataReceived: null, // function(rowCount, firstVisibleRowIdx, lastVisibleRowIdx, previousFirstVisibleRowIdx, previousLastVisibleRowIdx) onViewUpdate: null, // each key is column id and value is callback function(colId, isDesc, rowA, rowB) sortFunctions: { 'string': function(colId, isDesc, a, b) { var v1 = HugeGrid.getSortValue(a, colId, ''); var v2 = HugeGrid.getSortValue(b, colId, ''); if(v1 === v2) return 0; return ((v1 < v2) ? -1 : 1) * (isDesc ? -1 : 1); }, 'numeric': function(colId, isDesc, a, b) { var v1 = HugeGrid.getSortValue(a, colId, 0); var v2 = HugeGrid.getSortValue(b, colId, 0); if( typeof(v1) !== 'number') { v1 = parseFloat(v1.replace(/[^0-9.\-]+/g, '')); if( isNaN(v1) ) v1 = 0; } if( typeof(v2) !== 'number') { v2 = parseFloat(v2.replace(/[^0-9.\-]+/g, '')); if( isNaN(v2) ) v2 = 0; } if(v1 === v2) return 0; return ((v1 < v2) ? -1 : 1) * (isDesc ? -1 : 1); } } });