响应式可访问自定义选择下拉插件 jQuery ikSelect

  • 源码大小:46.5KB
  • 所需积分:1积分
  • 源码编号:19JP-3393
  • 浏览次数:566次
  • 最后更新:2023年06月08日
  • 所属栏目:表单
本站默认解压密码:19jp.com 或 19jp_com




  • 实时搜索。
  • 支持选项组。
  • 使用本机select元素。
  • 移动友好型。
  • 动态添加/删除选项和选项组。
  • 强大的API。


  • 替换Native Select Box的10个最佳下拉插件


  • 初始化
  • 可进入样式表对话框
  • 选项
  • API方法
  • 事件



<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/src/jquery.ikSelect.js"></script>


  <optgroup label="Seven Wonders of the Ancient World">
    <option>Great Pyramid of Giza</option>
    <option>Hanging Gardens of Babylon</option>
    <option>Statue of Zeus at Olympia</option>
    <option>Temple of Artemis at Ephesus</option>
    <option>Mausoleum at Halicarnassus</option>
    <option>Colossus of Rhodes</option>
    <option>Lighthouse of Alexandria</option>
  <optgroup label="Seven Natural Wonders of the World">
    <option>Grand Canyon</option>
    <option>Great Barrier Reef</option>
    <option>Harbor of Rio de Janeiro</option>
    <option>Mount Everest</option>
    <option>Parícutin volcano</option>
    <option>Victoria Falls</option>
$(function () {


.ik_select {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_link {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_link_focus {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_link_disabled {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_link_text {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_dropdown {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_list {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_optgroup {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_optgroup_label {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_option {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_option_label {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_hover {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_active {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_filter_wrap {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_select_filter {
    Your Styles Here

.ik_nothing_found {
    Your Styles Here



  // custom template
  syntax: '<div class="ik_select_link"><div class="ik_select_link_text"></div></div><div class="ik_select_dropdown"><div class="ik_select_list"></div></div>',

  // auto set the width of the select according to the longest option
  autoWidth: true,

  // auto set the width of the dropdown according to the longest option
  ddFullWidth: true,

  // include scrollbar width or not
  equalWidths: true, 

  // change the width of the select according to it's content
  dynamicWidth: false, 

  // move the select t the body when it is clicked along with the dropdown
  extractLink: false,

  // additional CSS classes
  customClass: '',

  // additional CSS classes for links
  linkCustomClass: '',

  // additional CSS classes for the dropdown
  ddCustomClass: '',

  // max height of the dropdown
  ddMaxHeight: 200,

  // extra width
  extraWidth: 0,

  // enable live search
  filter: false,
  nothingFoundText: 'Nothing found',

  // is disabled or not
  isDisabled: false,



<select data-autowidth="true" data-customclass="someclass">


// override defaults

// reset

// re-redner

// add options
$(selector).ikSelect('addOptions', optionObject[, optionIndex, optgroupIndex]);
// or
$(selector).ikSelect('addOptions', optionObjectsArray[, optionIndex, optgroupIndex]);

// add option groups
$(selector).ikSelect('addOptgroups', optgroupObject[, optgroupIndex]);
// or
$(selector).ikSelect('addOptgroups', optgroupObjectsArray[, optgroupIndex]);

// remove options
$(selector).ikSelect('removeOptions', optionIndex[, optgroupIndex]);
$(selector).ikSelect('removeOptions', optionIndexesArray[, optgroupIndex]);

// remove option groups
$(selector).ikSelect('removeOptgroups', optgroupIndex);
// or
$(selector).ikSelect('removeOptgroups', optgroupIndexesArray);

// select an option
$(selector).ikSelect('select', optionValue[, isIndex]);

// show the dropdown

// hide the dropdown

// disable the select

// enable the select

// toggle the select
$(selector).ikSelect('toggle'[, enableOrDisable]);

// disable options
$(selector).ikSelect('disableOptions', optionIndexOrValue[, isIndex]);
// or
$(selector).ikSelect('disableOptions', optionIndexesOrValuesArray[, isIndex]);

// enable options
$(selector).ikSelect('enableOptions', optionIndexOrValue[, isIndex]);
// or
$(selector).ikSelect('enableOptions', optionIndexesOrValuesArray[, isIndex]);

// toggle options
$(selector).ikSelect('toggleOptions', optionIndexOrValue[, isIndex, enableOrDisable]);
$(selector).ikSelect('toggleOptions', optionIndexesOrValuesArray[, isIndex, enableOrDisable]);

// disable option groups
$(selector).ikSelect('disableOptgroups', optgroupIndex);
// or
$(selector).ikSelect('disableOptgroups', optgroupIndexesArray);

// enable option groups
$(selector).ikSelect('enableOptgroups', optgroupIndex);
// or
$(selector).ikSelect('enableOptgroups', optgroupIndexesArray);

// toggle option groups
$(selector).ikSelect('toggleOptgroups', optgroupIndex[, enableOrDisable]);
// or
$(selector).ikSelect('toggleOptgroups', optgroupIndexesArray[, enableOrDisable]);

// destroy


  onInit: function() {},
  onShow: function () {},
  onHide: function () {},
  onKeyUp: function () {},
  onKeyDown: function () {},
  onHoverMove: function () {}
