功能丰富 密码生成器和强度指示器 passfield.js

  • 源码大小:494.55KB
  • 所需积分:1积分
  • 源码编号:19JP-3268
  • 浏览次数:516次
  • 最后更新:2023年05月24日
  • 所属栏目:表单
本站默认解压密码:19jp.com 或 19jp_com



有了这个插件,你可以很容易地生成随机的强密码,在你的网站上使用,而不会复制或添加额外的数据库负载。它支持所有现代浏览器,并兼容jQuery和Vanilla JavaScript。


  • 多种语言。
  • 自定义密码模式。
  • 自定义密码强度阈值。
  • 弱密码的自定义验证消息。
  • 允许将弱密码列入黑名单。
  • 与Bootstrap和jQuery验证插件兼容。


  • JavaScript中的7个最佳安全密码生成器工具
  • JavaScript中的10个最佳密码强度复选框



<!-- jQuery is optional -->
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>

<!-- passfield plugin -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/passfield.css"/>
<script src="./js/passfield.js"></script>


  • en
  • de
  • fr
  • it
  • nl
  • ru
  • sv
  • us
  • es
  • el
  • pt
<script src="./js/locales.js"></script>


<input type="password" id="mypass" placeholder="your password" />
// Vanilla JS
new PassField.Field("mypass");

// jQuery


new PassField.Field("mypass",{

    // pattern for password (for strength calculation)
    pattern: "abcdef12", 

    // threshold (of strength conformity with pattern) under which the password is considered weak
    acceptRate: 0.8, 

    // allow empty password (will show validation errors if not)
    allowEmpty: true, 

    // is the password masked by default
    isMasked: true, 

    // show password toggle button
    showToggle: true, 

    // show password generate button
    showGenerate: true, 

    // show short password validation warning
    showWarn: true, 

    // show password validation tooltips
    showTip: true, 

    // if tooltip is shown and Twitter Bootstrap is present, this style will be used. 
    // null = use own tips, {} = bootstrap tip options
    tipPopoverStyle: {}, 

    // timeout before automatic strength checking if no key is pressed 
    // in ms; 0 = disable
    strengthCheckTimeout: 500, 

    // a function which will be called when password strength is validated
    validationCallback: null, 

    // well-known bad passwords (very weak), e.g. qwerty or 12345
    blackList: [], 

    // selected locale (null to auto-detect)
    locale: "", 

    // overriden locale messages
    localeMsg: {}, 

    // class name added to the waring control (empty or null to disable the feature)
    warnMsgClassName: "help-inline form-control-static", 

    // class name added to wrapping control when validation fails (empty or null to disable the feature)
    errorWrapClassName: "error", 

    // suppress validation errors if password contains characters not from list (chars param)
    allowAnyChars: true, 

    // password checking mode (how the strength is calculated)
    checkMode: PassField.CheckModes.MODERATE, 

    // characters
    chars: {
      // symbol sequences for generation and checking
      digits: "1234567890",
      letters: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzßабвгедёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяґєåäâáàãéèêëíìîїóòôõöüúùûýñçøåæþðαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρσςτυφχψω",
      symbols: "@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{};:<>/?!"

    // events
    events: {
      generated: null,
      switched: null

    // login field (to compare password with - should not be equal)
    nonMatchField: null, 

    // strict length checking rules
    length: { 
        min: null,
        max: null

    // config mask button
    maskBtn : {
      textMasked : "abc",
      textUnmasked: "&bull;&bull;&bull;",
      className: false,
      classMasked: false,
      classUnmasked: false


var passField = new PassField.Field("mypass");

// toggle between masked and cleartext modes

// set password

// get password
val = document.getElementById("mypass").value; 

// check if is validate
isValid = document.getElementById("mypass").validatePass();

// get validation messages
msg = document.getElementById("mypass").getPassValidationMessage();

